Il Sung Construction Co., Ltd. set and promote an environment policy as follows
for eco-friendly management based on Il Sung Construction Co., Ltd.’s management philosophy,
long-term vision and quality policy, performing all construction works such as infrastructure, building, housing, gardening, machine, electricity, information communication and plant at home and abroad to preserve the earth
which is a living place for human and construct our enriched future.
Establish and maintain environment
management system required
by ISO 14001 and promote continuous
improvement of environment
Manage and comply with all laws and
regulations about environment
Promote activities for pollution control to
prevent environmental effects including
waste, water quality, air pollution, noise and
vibration from all construction.
Put efforts into resource saving
through recycling and separating the waste
Through practical and continuous education training,
have every employee and employees of partner companies engage
in environment improvement actively
Reduction generation and
increase recycling of
construction waste
Minimize air and
water pollution
from construction sites
Minimize construction noise
and vibration
resource saving
certification title
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